One of my previous posts was about “Reflections 2014”, International Conference on Fashion, Retail and Management (ICFRM) at NIFT, Hyderabad. I had mentioned about my visit to NIFT, Hyderabad to present my research paper titled “Colour and Clothing for Patients and Well-Being" at “Reflections 2014”, International Conference on Fashion, Retail and Management (ICFRM) which was organised by National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Hyderabad, from 9th to 11th January 2014 at Hyderabad. The paper was published in Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-81-7800-297-2. Given below is an abstract of the research paper:
Colour and Clothing for Patients and Well-Being
Abstract: All objects around us have colour and all colours are associated with different vibrations that impact us in one way or the other. Whether we know it or not, colours seem to have a psychological and physiological impact on us and our preference of colours reveal a lot about our psychological make-up. The unconscious psychological and physiological impact of colours on mood, behaviour and well-being is still being researched upon. However, from time immemorial, not only artists and designers, ancient cultures, psychologists and colour therapists acknowledge the impact of colours surrounding us on our mood and well-being.
Clothing is universal, though the type, style, colours and design of clothing may vary depending on different cultures, societies, needs and occasions. Clothing is an object that covers human body at all times. As all clothing has colour, it may affect our mood and well-being in some way or the other. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, this paper explores psychological and physiological impact of colours on patients, and the relationship between colour, clothing and their well being.
Clothing and health, Colour and moods, Colour and well-being, Patients and Clothing, Colour psychology.
For more details on this research paper, you may contact me.