Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to Save PowerPoint as High Resolution JPEG Image

I was making a PowerPoint presentation with multiple images and wanted to save ecach slide as JPEG image. However, after going to 'save as' and choosing JPEG format, I got slides saved as images but they were not hgh resolution, though the images used in the PowerPoint were of higher resolution.

When I searched google how to save PowerPoint as high resolution jpeg images, I came across these links and were really helpful:

Thanks to google and the above links for solving my problem.


Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Significance of Digital Platform in Apparel Product Development for Exports - Research Paper

My paper titled “Significance of Digital Platform in Apparel Product Development for Exports” has been published in JM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, Vol.- 2 ISSUE - 6, NOVEMBER, 2012. Pg. No. 407-424 and is available online on (Pg. No. 407-424 mentioned at the bottom but pg 33-50 in the downloaded PDF).

Vol.- 2 ISSUE - 6, NOVEMBER, 2012.
Digital image of journal's Front Cover.
Vol.- 2 ISSUE - 6, NOVEMBER, 2012.
Digital image of journal's Back Cover.
Given below is the abstract of the paper:

Abstract : Among the many challenges that the apparel export industry faces in 
this era of increased global competition, one is the increasing pressure on 
manufacturers to reduce new product development cost and turnaround time 
while increasing the number of options and reducing the quantum of errors at the 
sampling stage. This study aims to bring forth the changing reality of the product 
development process. It focuses on the emergence of virtual product development, 
the integration of digital platform and virtual prototyping in the apparel industry 
and the possible significant impact it can have in the process of apparel product 
development for exports to help in meeting these challenges. The objectives of this 
study are to to study the current scenario in the apparel export industry in India 
regarding the extent of usage of digital platform in the process of apparel product 
development for exports; and to study the emergence of virtual product 
development in the apparel industry and illustrate  the significant results those 
have been achieved by integrating digital platform and software in the process of 
apparel product development.  

Digital platform, Product development, Apparel Product Development for 
exports, Virtual prototyping, Virtual Product Development

The other way to access the journal is after logging in on 
Go to the end of this page link after logging in:

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Hope you share your feedback and comments after reading the paper.