Institute of Apparel Management in association with Triburg conducted a seminar at Epicentre on 8th January, 2010. The topic was Export Merchandising LIVE ! A Seminar on Flat World Fashion Merchandising.
The speakers were from IAM and Triburg. Dr. Darlie Koshy, Mr. Manas Chakraborty, Ms. Padma Reddy and I were the speakers (more details in the image above).
Triburg, one of the biggest buying agencies in India and Asia, also happens to be my ex-empoyee company. It is a great company to work for. This seminar also brought out a shared vision of IAM and Triburg. It talked about the changing world of fashion and apparel merchandising, digital platform and 3D prototyping: their significance in apparel product development (which was the topic that I covered), transforming education to meet the needs of this rapidly changing reality.
I had conducted a lot of workshops at IAM when I was the Coordinator - Industry Programmes and Continuing Education, but this was the first seminar that I conducted and that, too, with my new additional responsibility in heading the initiatives of Fashion Innovation Lab at IAM.
The same day we had the