Sunday, January 17, 2010

Export Merchandising LIVE !

Institute of Apparel Management in association with Triburg conducted a seminar at Epicentre on 8th January, 2010. The topic was Export Merchandising LIVE ! A Seminar on Flat World Fashion Merchandising.

The speakers were from IAM and Triburg. Dr. Darlie Koshy, Mr. Manas Chakraborty, Ms. Padma Reddy and I were the speakers (more details in the image above).

Triburg, one of the biggest buying agencies in India and Asia, also happens to be my ex-empoyee company. It is a great company to work for. This seminar also brought out a shared vision of IAM and Triburg. It talked about the changing world of fashion and apparel merchandising, digital platform and 3D prototyping: their significance in apparel product development (which was the topic that I covered), transforming education to meet the needs of this rapidly changing reality.

The Seminar was followed by demonstrations in the Fashion Innovation Lab at IAM followed by refershments. The participation was enthusiastic and encouraging. It was a really hectic day for me, as I was not only the co-ordinator the seminar, I was also one of the speakers. But when the reponse is good, all the effort seems worthwhile.

I had conducted a lot of workshops at IAM when I was the Coordinator - Industry Programmes and Continuing Education, but this was the first seminar that I conducted and that, too, with my new additional responsibility in heading the initiatives of Fashion Innovation Lab at IAM.

The same day we had the First Convocation at IAM at Apparel House, Gurgaon. The day was really happening for IAM.

Friday, January 15, 2010

First Convocation at IAM

Institute of Apparel Management held its first convocation ceremony on 8th January 2010. I could not attend the convocation ceremony of my own class in college and in NIFT which I had always wanted to. But it was really good to see my students come for their convocation and collect their certificates.
Preparing for the group photo

Getting ready for the photo-shoot

Bottom left to right- Mr. R.S.Kataria, Ms. Sharmila Katre,
Mr. Somesh Singh, Dr. Darlie Koshy, Mr. Premal Udani

Lighting the lamp
Mrs. Rita Menon, IAS and Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India was the chief guest. The institute was lively with its previous batches coming to attend the convocation follwed by dinner.

On the same day, we had also conducted a seminar in the morning and will write more about the seminar in another post.